Birthstone October: The Opal

Monthly stone: October


Theopal is a fascinating and versatile gem. There are different types of colors such as white and orange with mother -of -pearl, but they are also colorless. Due to the color flashes that appear in the stone, the opal A very popular gem. The opal is common, but only a small part is of gemstone quality. Opaal often arises through the filling of holes and gorges in a rock, but also in the formation of fossils. De Opaal makes the wearer cheerful, spontaneous and creative and also increases the interest in art and the appreciation of beauties. It has the power to increase the self -healing capacity of someone and to purify the body.

History of the opal

A gem as versatile as the opal knows a lot of myths and legends. For centuries the stone has been used as a talisman who is said to bring his wearer to beauty, success and happiness. For the Romans, the stone symbolized hope and cleanliness, but according to the ancient Greeks the stone owned very different forces. In this way they believed that the stone could predict the future. State from the Andamooka region in South Australia also had a beautiful mythology for the stone. They believed that the creator of their ancestors would have come to earth on a rainbow and all the stones turned into rainbow -colored opals. In reality, most opals come from the areaDown Under. Australia is responsible for approximately 95% of world production in opales.


Stand out with opal

Due to its versatility of colors, the Opaal is a real statement-bedstone. With a nice black evening dress, for example, a necklace with Opaal extra stands out. Or take an example of Cate Blanchett, who combined her earnings with opals nude-coloredEvening dress during the 2014 Academy Awards. For a chic event, the opal is a perfect addition to drop your outfit even more!

Opallios, Ophtalmios or Upala

There are several theories about the origin of the word "opal". For example, Opaal in Greek means "seeing a change", which refers to the changing colors in the stone. Another possible Greek origin is "Ophthalmios" (harvesting). The most likely origin of the name is from Sanskrit: "Upala", which means "colored stone". It is unclear whether this name was meant when the current Opaal or another type of stone meant.

Color play

Opalen are especially popular due to the color game. Sometimes the stone is a single color, but when the stone is viewed from a certain point of view, these color flashes that provide a spectacular reflection. A term that is often associated with the opal is 'opalescence'. Opalescence is a form of light scattering. Characteristic of this is that stones with this phenomenon in the direction of the light beam and perpendicular to it show different colors.


Opalen zijn vooral populair door het kleurenspel. Soms is de steen één enkele kleur maar wanneer de steen vanuit een bepaald oogpunt bekeken wordt, dan geeft deze kleurflitsen af die zorgen voor een spectaculaire weerkaatsing. Een term die vaak wordt geassocieerd met de opaal is 'opalescentie'. Opalescentie is een vorm van lichtverstrooiing. Kenmerkend hiervan is dat stenen met dit fenomeen in de richting van de lichtbundel en loodrecht daarop verschillende kleuren vertonen.


About the stone of the month

Precious stones have been worn as a piece of jewelry for decades. It is therefore interesting to get to know the history behind the stone. Many cultures and people also assign magical powers to precious stones. They serve as a talisman and the stones would improve or protect your life. Moreover, if you wear the stone that fits your birth to birth or constellation, the effect is even more powerful. Properties are also attributed per stone species that match the person born in the month. It is therefore extra fun to choose a gem that strengthens your character, or from the person for whom the gift is. The Opaal is part of the month of October and is a perfect gift incorporated into a ring, necklace or earnier jewelry for someone born in October.