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Rings with emerald you shop Diamond Point

Smaragd is one of the best known gems next to diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire. Smaragd is a green stone and symbolizes power, hope and spring in many cultures; The recurring green after the winter. Rings with emerald would also have a healing effect for the skin, support with lung ailments and this gem could also strengthen the mind and memory. In addition, 55 years married for an emerald marriage. What a nice gesture if you give someone a ring with emerald.

Meaning Smaragd

Emerald is the monthly stone from May. Moreover, if you wear the stone that fits your birth to birth or constellation, the effect is even more powerful. It is therefore extra fun to choose a gem that strengthens your character, or from the person for whom the gift is. Do you want to read more about the forces and functioning of the emerald, read here More about the monthly stone emerald. 

Buy an emerald ring at Diamond Point

Rings with emerald are striking and will be a true eye-catcher. Jewelry with emerald are easy to combine and fits nicely with any hair and/or skin color. Are you looking for an emerald ring? Bee Diamond Point Find your minimalist rings with emerald as in the collection Joy. Can the ring stand out a bit more? Then choose an emerald ring from our collection Empress. In addition to emerald rings has Diamond Point also beautiful jewelry and Pendants with emerald in it. 

Do you have trouble choosing the right ring size? Then order Diamond Point ringsizer So that you can measure the right ring size.