Birthstone March: The Aquamarine

Monthly stone: March


The clear aquamarine Means literally 'sea water', referring to its green -blue color. Give a piece of jewelry with aquamarine as a gift to someone born in March. When you give an aquamarine as a gift, this trust, harmony and joy represents. Or wear an aquamarine stone put in a piece of jewelry. This would have a calming, stress -reducing and cooling effect.

History of the Aquamarine

The aquamarine was already used by the Greeks and Egyptians around 400 BC. For them, the Aquamarine was a symbol of purity and loyalty. Aquamarijn was therefore later also associated with the Virgin Mary. In the Middle Ages, the Aquamarine was used as an amulet during the overseas trips, because the stone would protect against seasickness and drowning. 


All Time Favorite: The Aquamarine

The sea-colored aquamarine is a decorative stone that complements almost every skin and eye color and therefore one all time favorite Is for women around the world. The stone is extremely versatile and looks great in all kinds of jewelry, such as in a vintage ring. An aquamarine in combination with white gold has a calm, cool appearance. Combine jewelry with aquamarine, for example on a spotless white blouse and jeans for a casual lookto shine. Aquamarine in an engagement ring is also popular; Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel, for example, gave an engagement ring with a diamond in the middle, flanked with aquamarine. Jessica Biel is a big fan of the blue gem: she wore a bracelet and earrings with aquamarine to the 2014 Academy Awards.

Van bleek- tot blauwgroen

De naam aquamarijnstamt uit de Renaissance en komt van het Latijnse ‘Aqua Marina’, wat ‘zeewater’ betekent. De kleur van de edelsteen doet denken aan de zee en varieert van bleekgroen en geelgroen tot blauwgroen. De blauwgroene kleur ontstaat omdat er een klein beetje ijzer in de kristallen van de steen zit opgesloten. Bijzonder is dat de steen vanuit sommige hoeken kleurloos kan ogen; dit heet dichroïsme. De diepblauwe variant van aquamarijn wordt ook wel ‘Maxixe’ genoemd en wordt voornamelijk op Madagaskar gevonden.

Vitamin Sea

Door de jaren heen zijn er verschillende helende eigenschappen aan aquamarijn toegeschreven. Zo zou de edelsteen het afweersysteem versterken, huidallergie tegengaan en het intellect verscherpen. Ook zou aquamarijn stress vermindert werken; het zou krampen verminderen en zorgen dat je je kalmer voelt.

Wereldwijde schittering

De grootste en mooiste hoeveelheden aquamarijn worden gevonden in Brazilië. Ook wordt de blauwe edelsteen gevonden in Afghanistan, Australië, Ierland, India, Kenia, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rusland, de Verenigde staten en in Zimbabwe. Aquamarijn wordt niet alleen op veel verschillende plaatsen gevonden, ook zijn het vaak grote stukken edelsteen. De grootste geslepen aquamarijn weegt ongeveer 27 kilogram en is ongeveer 61 centimeter lang: de Dom Pedro.


About the stone of the month

Precious stones have been worn as a piece of jewelry for decades. It is therefore interesting to get to know the history behind the stone. Many cultures and people also assign magical powers to precious stones. They serve as a talisman and the stones would improve or protect your life. If you wear the stone that fits your birth to birth or constellation, the effect is even more powerful. For each type of stone, features are also attributed to stones that match the person born in the month. It is therefore extra fun to choose a gem that strengthens your character, or from the person for whom the gift is. The Aquamarine is part of the month of March and is therefore a perfect gift processed as a jewel for someone born this month.